Attract growth and positivity. Bridge the gap between who you are and who you aspire to be. Let success chase you. Use these 5 Phrases to be kind to yourself and transform your mindset.
You pay the price of being sad and dejected if you use harsh words on yourself.
Think about it. You might have scolded yourself for –
- Not getting that job, raise or promotion
- Not trying hard enough to fix that relationship.
- Not being perfect.
Making mistakes freak you out more than anything else. You find it hard to be kind to yourself.
But you can easily be kind to others in the same situation.
It’s time to change that. It’s time to extend the same kindness to yourself.
If you keep being harsh with yourself, you are going to create a vicious cycle of dissatisfaction, hopelessness, and resentment.
When you tell yourself that you can’t do anything right, you’re creating a feedback for your mind.
So, the next time you do something, you’re more likely to mess up because you told yourself so.
If this keeps repeating, all you’ll be left with is a self-fulfilling prophecy and loads of self-loathing.
How do you get out of this vicious cycle, then?
Use these 5 phrases regularly. They’ll help you become less self-critical and anxious about yourself so that you focus on what’s important to you.
#1 I’m defined by my own opinions
Relatives. Parents.Teachers. Or anyone else. Their opinions only define them.
All of these people have two things in common. They are outside your control.
Sometimes, they say things that make you question your self-worth.
Maybe it’s your –
- Snarky aunt who always complains about your food or decor at family gatherings.
- Parent who constantly tell you that you aren’t good enough because you aren’t like someone else.
- Teacher who says that it would be impossible for you to succeed.
The next time this happens, take a deep breath. Tell yourselfI’m t defined only by my own opinions and go on about your day.
Brush off the harsh words instead of succumbing to self-doubt andirrelevant criticism.
Gradually, you’ll start accomplishing more because your focus is in the right place i.e working on yourself.
#2 I love myself completely
If you truly love someone, you’d choose to stand by them through their worst, right?
The same logic applies to you.
Instead of being perfect, you have flaws. And, instead of beating yourself up about them, work with them. Be kind to yourself by saying, I love myself completely when you wake up in the. morning. Every day.
It’ll boost your self-esteem and also help you have a healthy relationship with others around you.
BONUS TIP: Give yourself a pat on the back for making it out through all the bad times and struggles so far. Everybody deserves a little appreciation from time to time, don’t they?
#3 I’m going to make it
It’s hard to tell yourself this when you’re going through something so bad that its a struggle to coax yourself out of bed.
Telling yourself that you’ll make it mayhave little effect at first. But you’ll see a gradual improvement because your mind relies on your words to bring out that inner strength and get you kicking.
Soon, you’ll be out of bed and off to chase your goals again with a smile on your face.
#4 It’s OK to know less
Have you ever called yourself an idiot and felt embarrassed for not knowing something?
If you do this often, tell yourself that it’s OK to know less
None of us come with an encyclopedia of facts and ideas. We all get there through learning, experimenting, and practice.
It’s OK to say that you have come across this for the first time and get started on learning something new.
And it’s also OK to make mistakes while you’re getting started. That’s how you’ll learn more and get better at what you’re doing.
Just keep telling yourself that it’s OK to know less and continue working even when you fail. Success will definitely find you!
#5 I’m grateful
Direct your focus to what you have rather than focusing on things that you wish you had.
Being grateful magically brings more abundance into your life. You start attracting whatever you wanted effortlessly because you’re satisfied about the things that you Im have.
Instead of taking our word for it! Check it out yourself. Be genuinely grateful. Send a thanks to the Universe and see how it responds!
By freeing yourself from self-doubt, dissatisfaction, and resentment, you can achieve more.
My opinions define me.. I love myself completely. I’m going to make it. It’s OK to know less. I’m grateful.
Using these phrases will cut off the negativity and help you think positive in order to reach your goals.
Want to uncover other phrases that’ll transform your mind into a magnet that attracts abundance?
Attend our Power of Words workshop and get to experience how words affect your mindset through various activities.
This workshop is run by Umesh Soman. He has helped a varied audience that ranges from families to Large MNCs transform their mindset and reach their goals.
Don’t believe us? Listen to what our previous participants have to say.
Tyagraj Samrant says: “The session was informative and interesting. It was an eye-opener and the activities helped demonstrate the power of words on the conscious and unconscious mind.”
Join us for Power of Words workshop. Register NOW.
Have you used any of these phrases yourself?
Did they have a positive impact on you?
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